
See what people are saying about CollegeWeekLive

By adopting channels to speak with students when and where they're searching, we're building strong relationships with students from the start - and dramatically improving enrollment as a result.
Albert Colom
Vice President of Enrollment Management
Bowling Green State University
Thank you for current, accurate, easy, and free information, and for making connections with admissions reps so readily available!
Adele Horwitz
High school counselor
British School of Boston
What I liked best about CollegeWeekLive was being able to talk to real students about what college was like for them.
Brittany G.
High School Student
CollegeWeekLive helps us expand our reach, amplify our message, and have genuine conversations with students to personalize their admissions experience.
Stephen Pultz
Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management
University of San Diego
Students find traditional college search sites to be very flat. I like that they can engage in live conversations with schools in CollegeWeekLive.
Jim Ashby
College Counselor
Austin Preparatory School
My first choice university is a part of this program and the student videos and presentations has confirmed the fact that I want to go there.
Ashley R
High School Student
CollegeWeekLive was an exciting way to connect with our prospective students.
Alfie Daniels
Director of Multicultural Recruitment
Yale University
CollegeWeekLive presentations are very thorough and are a fantastic resource for parents and students.
Doris Graves
High school counselor
Channelview High School
CollegeWeekLive made searching for the right schools an absolute breeze!
Angelique E
High School Student

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